Intersected of Bible Principles and Neuro - Linguistic Programming 01

JW. ORG, New World Translation

All of a man’s ways seem right to him, but Jehovah examines the hearts - Proverbs 21:2

Each one was doing what was right in his own eyes (Or “what he thought was right.”) - Judges 17:6

The way of the fool* is right in his own eyes, but the wise one accepts advice. - Proverbs 12:15

Rather than denoting a person who is lacking in mental ability, the word “fool,” as used in the Bible, generally refers to an individual who spurns reason and follows a morally insensible course out of harmony with God’s righteous standards.


#1 NLP PRESUPPOSITION: Everyone’s paradigm of the world is right in their eyes

It is rather easy to judge others on what they say, or on what they do, specially if we find it offensive, against our values, immoral or ‘wrong’. Nevertheless, if we abstain to judge them (in theory no one likes to be judge) and we accept what they say that is the ‘right’ way of thinking, they might allow us to challenge their thought process in order for them to explain why do they believe in what they believe, thus making it easier for us to get a better understanding and maybe allowing them to reconsider by becoming aware of what they believe in a deeper level.

Our goal here is to help people think and expand their mindsets, not by judging, as this creates a barrier and destroys rapport and any type of influence we might have, but actually by making the right questions at the right time, regardless of the way they see the world might affect us (emotional intelligence comes very in handy in these circumstances) - Everyone’s paradigm of the world is RIGHT in their eyes. The Builder Hero


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